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Does GTH accept students who have IEPs and 504? Do I have to provide a copy of my scholar's IEP or 504 when applying?

Green Tech High accepts students with IEPs and 504s. Copies of IEPs and 504 plans must be submitted at the time of enrollment along with copies of NYS-required documents, this is required to ensure that Green Tech can accommodate your student's education plan. Your scholar’s application is considered incomplete without the submission of the IEP or 504. (Failure to indicate that your scholar does have an IEP or 504 will result in the withdrawal of student enrollment.)



ग्रीन टेक हाई चार्टर स्कूल

99 स्लिंगलेरलैंड सेंट।

अल्बानी, एनवाई 12202

(518) 694-3400

(518) 694-3401 फैक्स

सोम-गुरु। 7:45 बजे - शाम 5 बजे

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