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Green Tech High Charter School is pleased to welcome you to our online pre-enrollment process. We understand that this is a monumental time in a young man's life, and we eagerly welcome our future students to our middle school community.

There are limited seats available so apply today! If your son is already a current student at Green Tech, please use the Continued Enrollment Form on the Parent/Student Site.

Three steps for completing the online application:

Step 1: Fill out the form online (you have to agree to Adobe's Terms of Use and press the blue "Continue" button to start filling out the application).

Step 2: Press "Click to Sign" Button once complete

Step 3: Verify your email address by opening link sent by Adobe to the email address used in the application (it may be in your "Junk" or "Spam" folder). Once you do this your application will be submitted and you will get a copy of your filled application sent to your email address.

Schenectady Residents: In addition to filling out the online application you also need to fill out the Schenectady School District Student Registration Form



ग्रीन टेक हाई चार्टर स्कूल

99 स्लिंगलेरलैंड सेंट।

अल्बानी, एनवाई 12202

(518) 694-3400

(518) 694-3401 फैक्स

सोम-गुरु। 7:45 बजे - शाम 5 बजे

शुक्र कर्मचारी दूर से काम करेंगे


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